Knitted Swatches
I picked up knitting when I was about 10 years old. My sister and I would use those little plastic looms from Joanns, get some outlandish fuzzy yarn from a garage sale, and get going on our scarves for the winter. We did this for a few years, but eventually just grew out of it.
It wasn’t until I was about 18 years old when I picked it up again. This time my mind actually understood what knitting was and how it worked.
I kind of fell in love with it. Then I realized the possibilities that could come from a pair of needles, one long strand of yarn, and my hands.
I learned to use the knitting machine at about 20 and fell in love with the process. I have never been someone who paints, but this is what I imagine painting is like, just with a different medium.
Knitting is a traditional form of craft that calms me down, and cheers me up whenever I am feeling out of the ordinary and is a skill I am excited to grow with as I move through life.